
A project by young people from different countries about dreams and visions

Das Junge Kleinod works in cooperation with the youth migration service of the Paritätischen Cuxhaven on the theater project “MitMischen”. The young people come from Afghanistan, Sudan, Eritrea, Syria, Iran, Bosnia, Serbia and Germany and together they are investigating their situation in rural areas. They design a “future vision” for their coexistence and formulate their dreams. These are shown as theater and dance performances in public spaces and at schools and documented with a film.

Since November 2015, the young people from the entire district of Cuxhaven meet at the station Geestenseth to develop scenes that have to do with their wishes and ideas of a good coexistence. The scenes use language, song, facial expressions and dance. Together they sing an old Aramaic song that has been preserved in the 8000 year old language until today. Dialogues take place in German, Arabic and Persian. The young people interviewed each other and used the interviews to create poetic, funny, sarcastic and haunting scenes.

The Paritätische Jugendwerk, youth association of the Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband Niedersachsen, conducts the MitMischen project in cooperation with several organizations. The project Mitmischen – Active participation of young people with migration background – is supported by Aktion Mensch e.V.


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